Kundali Analysis

Kundali analysis, also known as a birth chart or horoscope reading, is a traditional Vedic astrology practice that interprets the positions of planets and stars at the time of a person's birth. It helps assess an individual's personality, life events, relationships, career prospects, and potential challenges. By examining planetary alignments and houses in the kundali, astrologers provide insights into one’s past, present, and future, often suggesting remedies to overcome obstacles or enhance well-being.
*Starts from $51

Baby Name Suggestions

In Vedic astrology, baby names are often chosen based on the child's birth star (Nakshatra) and the placement of the moon in the birth chart. Each Nakshatra is associated with specific sounds or syllables that are considered auspicious and believed to align with the child's cosmic energies. This ensures that the name resonates with the child's destiny, promoting good health, success, and harmony in life. Parents may consult astrologers to choose a name that reflects the positive qualities of the baby's zodiac sign and planetary influences.
*Starts from $11